Project: Competition and Cooperation in Economics and Social Sciences

Project title: Competition and Cooperation in Economics and Social Sciences

Funding institution: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyectos I+D. Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica del Conocimiento

Reference code: ECO2015-68856-P

Principal investigator: Amparo M. Mármol

Participating institutions: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Start date: 1/1/2016

Finishing date: 31/12/2018

Budget: 35.453 €

Numbe of researchers: 7

Project brief:

The project studies decision-making situations with multiple agents, which are common in many economic, social and political environments. Strategic and cooperative models are included, as well as resource allocation conflicts in which the information available on the results and on the preferences of the agents is not completely specified. The foreseeable results will allow a more realistic analysis of complex decision processes, both from a non-cooperative and cooperative point of view.




Carmen Márquez, named president of EUIC

Carmen Márquez Carrasco, researcher at the European Social Sciences Laboratory, has been appointed new president of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (link). 

- Conference: Research in Europe and Social Sciences


Presentation of the European Social Sciences Laboratory to the scientific community with two lectures on the topic 'Social Sciences and Research in Europe' (link).




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