
Second Soldrone Workshop

September, 2-7, 2024. Barbate, Cádiz, Spain.

The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of open problems, techniques, and research in the field of geometric optimization. In this workshop, the open problems focus on Inspection of solar energy plants with drones: path planning and fault detection .

The Team

Aurelio Barrera Vicent

Universidad de Sevilla

José Miguel Díaz Bañez

Universidad de Sevilla

José Manuel Higes

Universidad de Sevilla

Alina Kasiuk

Universidad de Sevilla

Miguel Angel Pérez Cutiño

Universidad de Sevilla

Fabio Rodrígez Sánchez

Universidad de Sevilla

Vanesa Sánchez Canales

Universidad de Sevilla

Inmaculada Ventura

Universidad de Sevilla